Help Every Puppy Get the Education They Deserve

Please, please, PLEASE help us make sure every new puppy gets the education they desperately need and deserve this holiday season. 

The 2 Most Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make (and How to Fix Them)

There are a couple of mistakes that dog owners frequently make which are simple to fix and have the potential to dramatically improve a dog's behavior.

Puppies and Shelter Dogs: Two Sides of the Same Coin

I am a dog trainer and I lead a double life. Of sorts. Behaviorally speaking.

Getting a Puppy Over the Holidays

The holidays can be a wonderful time to add a puppy or dog to your family, but the holidays also present plenty of challenges.

All Puppies Deserve a FIRST Chance — an EDUCATION!

Owners and their new puppies are still getting the short end of the stick.

The Essential Puppy Training Course is HERE!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our all-new Essential Puppy Training Course.

3.12 - Learning Theory: Then Now & Beyond

Dog Training is all about learning and teaching.  There is a lot of research that has been done about how animals and humans learn, and the results should inform our approach to dog training.  However, learning theory has been developed from experiments conducted in a lab, and it’s important to recognize how that knowledge is limited or different from real world situations.  Learning theory has a lot to offer dog training, but dog training may have important lessons for learning theory.  In this episode, the Dunbars discuss the science of learning and how it can inform, and be informed by d

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

Advocacy Overdrive: Why BSL & the humane treatment of dogs are linked

As both of these topics draw heated and emotional opinions, feelings and an overall sense of tension, please refrain from flaming this post with responses that are not conducive to furthering the discussion in productive manner.

 My sole intention is to help dogs and help people better understand them, especially Pit Bull dogs. Please let’s stay on topic.

If we had Breed Specific Legislation eradicated tomorrow, and all the dogs that looked a certain way were no longer banned or discriminated against, we’d still have the issues of training and understanding them in a way that will help them all lead happy, healthy, safe and productive lives. Or at least have the dogs evaluated in a way that would be just and fair. This works well for the people that are fearful of the dogs as well. When done correctly this will save time, money, dogs, lower injuries to humans and dogs and reduce anguish among many shelter and rescue workers.

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(Part 1) Dina Zaphiris – The Behavior Savior

Dina has a dog that’s learned to run away when she bends down to pick anything up, creating a real safety hazard.  It’s great to have a dog that loves fetch, but you don’t want your dog to bolt eve

Embedded thumbnail for (Part 2) Dina Zaphiris – The Behavior Savior

(Part 2) Dina Zaphiris – The Behavior Savior

Dina’s been training dogs in Los Angeles for 20 years.  Her passion is training dogs that can help save people’s lives, whether it’s in search and rescue or early cancer detection.  She uses reward


3.11 - Apps for Dog Owners

Apps are all the rage these days.  As more and more people get next generation smart phones and iPhones, a whole industry has sprung up.  These mini computer applications can be anything, and they’re usually relatively cheap and can be accessed from your phone while you’re on the move.  The Dunbars talk about the apps available to dog owners, and discuss which of these are useful or entertaining, and which are just plain fluff.  What would make a good app for dog training?  Listen in and find out!

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

I Love My Job!

It was 10.30am on a recent Monday morning. My plane climbed steeply out of Chicago Midway airport heading for Boston into clear, pale blue skies. Still low, we passed Chicago on the left of the plane and I had a long look at the towering sky scrapers of windy city sitting proudly of the shores of massive Lake Michigan. The almost Caribbean blue waters of the lake stretched to a horizon describing the Earth’s curvature. It was a magnificent and memorable sight.


Training with Distractions

I made a mistake last week. This isn't really news. As a matter of fact I probably made a mistake every day last week, so I should probably say "I made a mistake last Sunday" or maybe even "I made several mistakes last Sunday night around 11:00PM and I'm thinking of the third or fourth one right now."

Anyway, I was asked to answer an e-mail interview (man I hate that picture) and one of the questions struck me funny. Funny enough that I outsmarted myself. Again, not news — I'm an engineer and experienced in outsmarting myself. (Ask me about the SSL redirector and CPU utilization sometime over beers.)

The question was : What are your views on negative reinforcement? What do you think about dog owners using spray collars and even shock collars?

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(Part 1) Mel Bussey - Real Life Rewards

Food is a great tool in training, but you don’t want to end up with a dog that only listens when you have a treat.  A great way to avoid this is by using rewards other than food while training.  Th


3.10 - Tools of the Trade: Dog Training Technology

There are a lot of products out there that claim to help you take care of and train your dog.  Some of these items can make your life considerably easier, while others are a waste of money and some can even be dangerous to your dog.  The Dunbars talk about the best tools you can use in dog training, and how you can use them to make training as easy and fun as possible.  Learn which products can automatically train your dog, which can’t, and what the potential is for reward-based training machines in the future.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3


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