Please, please, PLEASE help us make sure every new puppy gets the education they desperately need and deserve this holiday season.
Getting a Puppy Over the Holidays
The holidays can be a wonderful time to add a puppy or dog to your family, but the holidays also present plenty of challenges.
The Essential Puppy Training Course is HERE!
We are thrilled to announce the release of our all-new Essential Puppy Training Course.
The 2 Most Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make (and How to Fix Them)
There are a couple of mistakes that dog owners frequently make which are simple to fix and have the potential to dramatically improve a dog's behavior.
Dominance and Dogs: Who is the Boss?
Dogs often act as connectors in society.
All Puppies Deserve a FIRST Chance — an EDUCATION!
Owners and their new puppies are still getting the short end of the stick.
When you're prepared, you have a plan, and you know what you're doing BEFORE you get your puppy, it makes all the difference in the world! Raising a puppy with the right preparation is easy, fun, and rewarding, for you and your pup!
The holidays can be a wonderful time to add a puppy or dog to your family, but the holidays also present plenty of challenges. With a little preparation and thought you can get a holiday puppy and take advantage of all of the benefits while avoiding all of the potential pitfalls.
Halloween is a fun time of year, but it can also be a scary time. With all the decorations, costumes, silliness, and energy, there's a lot that can scare a puppy or dog.
But all of this excitement also makes Halloween into a great excuse to do some proactive socialization and training with your dog.
There are a couple of mistakes that dog owners frequently make which are simple to fix and have the potential to dramatically improve a dog's behavior. These mistakes are a common cause of dog reactivity, but they're also a part of the reason for all sorts of other doggy problems, as well as lots of problems that have nothing to do with dog training!
Tricks and games are some of the best way to motivate Humans to train their Dogs. Plenty of people who shirk their homework and procrastinate "important training" are happy to spend an afternoon perfecting a trick or playing a training game. They can be so much fun, and so motivating, and they are a great way to teach your dog to perform pro-social behaviors on cue, to help put other people and dogs at ease.
The 4th of July – Dog Dependence Day – A Survival Guide
American Independence Day, the 4th of July, conjures up visions of good times with family and friends, time off, picnics and summer fun - as it should!
We are thrilled to announce the release of our all-new Essential Puppy Training Course.
We've been hard at work developing this course for the past year and are extremely excited about it. So to celebrate the launch of this course we are offering a HUGE discount for a limited time.
Dog Star Daily has a ton of fantasitic dog training content and there is an amazing amount you can learn here. But if you're ready to take your dog training to the next level, NOW is the best time to join the Top Dog Academy.
Since 2016, the Top Dog Academy has been the best deal in online dog training.
FOR A LIMITED TIMEWatch our new Rewards vs Punishments webinar for FREE, where Jamie interviews Ian about rewards and punishments and the common mistakes people make when trying to apply these concepts in dog training.
This course is filled with short videos and downloadable documents that provide the easiest, most effective, and most enjoyable dog training techniques for resolving all of the most common dog behavior problems.