Dog Communication

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Reading Play Behavior 1 - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

Many dogs live largely isolated lives, and rarely get the chance to meet, let alone play with new dogs.  If your pup is going to get along with other dogs, they must continue to meet and play with new dogs.

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Reading Play Behavior 3 - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

Adding a third dog to this play session provides for some interesting insights.

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Shy Shepherd - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

Playing with one other dog will not be sufficient for your pup’s socialization.  Instead, they should meet, and play with as many other puppies and dogs as possible.

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Reading Play Behavior 4 - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

The nature and frequency of looks can tell you a lot about dog relationships.  When you’re working on socializing your dog, beware of doing too much, too fast.

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Reading Play Behavior 2 - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

Playing can look like fighting, so it’s important to know what cues to look for.  Paw-raising & play-bowing are good signs that it’s playtime.

Embedded thumbnail for Puppy Play Temperament - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

Puppy Play Temperament - Training the Companion Dog 1 – Socialization & Training

The only way for dogs to learn to get along with other dogs is by playing together in a positive and controlled environment.

Embedded thumbnail for Playtime - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

Playtime - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

Dogs at play will often look and sound like they are fighting.  With a well-trained dog you can always check that things are in control by interrupting the play session with  a bit of obedience.

Embedded thumbnail for Two Face Training - Dog Training for Children

Two Face Training - Dog Training for Children

An effective trainer can switch immediately from sweet praise to stern reprimand.  Use the tone of your voice to let your puppy now when you like what they’re doing and when you don’t.


Dog Communication

“In man, social intercourse has centered mainly on the process of absorbing fluid into the organism, but in the domestic dog and to a lesser extent among all wild canine species, the act charged with most social significance is the excretion of fluid. For man the pub, the estaminet, the Biergarten, but for the dog the tree trunk, the lintel of door or gate, and above all the lamppost, form the focal points of community life. For a man, the flavors of alcoholic drinks, but for a dog the infinitely variegated smells of urine are the most potent stimuli for the gregarious impulse.”
From The Lamppost, A Study of the Social Life of the Domestic Dog by Sirius (quoted in Sirius by Olaf Stapledon)

Humans communicate largely by the spoken and written word. (Hence this book.) Dogs, however, employ several different “languages”

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