Choosing Your Puppy

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Ian’s Intro - SIRIUS Puppy Training Classic

Dr. Ian Dunbar explains the importance of starting your dog’s training in early puppyhood using fun, lure-reward methods.  Investing the time early on will give you control over your dog as it gets older, stronger and more distracted, and it’s the easiest way to ensure that you and your dog live long and happy lives together.

Choosing Your Puppy

Choosing a puppy is a very important decision, and everyone who lives in the household should agree before any puppy is brought into the home. If the puppy is to truly become a member of the family, then all family members will need to be involved in training. Before you choose your puppy (usually at eight weeks of age), you need to know:

· How to evaluate and select a good breeder

·How to evaluate and select a good puppy and specifically, how to assess your puppy's behavioral development.

Also, you must keep in mind that there are no perfect puppies. In this chapter we recommend giving careful consideration to where, when and how you choose your puppy, but please remember, any puppy you pick will need to be trained if you want to live with a well-behaved, friendly and mannerly dog.

Training:  Choosing Your Puppy
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The Dunbar Academy Top Dog Academy – 4 books, 13 videos, 9 seminars and workshops