As you can maybe tell, this video is a couple decades old. We have since learned that this exercise is just as effective without bopping the dog on the nose, or even shouting. If you say "Off" and your pup continues to mouth or paw at your hand just ignore them until they pull away. As soon as they pull away you can reward them with the treat. Gradually increase the duration of the Off, and they will quickly learn without the need to aversive corrections.
“Off” is a crucial command. You don’t want your dog to constantly lick, mouth or paw your hand, just because your holding a treat. It’s easy to do, start with a second, then reward progressively longer durations.
It’s very important to practice taking and returning preferred objects from your puppy, thereby showing them that they don’t need to be protective of their stuff.
It’s very important to have a command which lets the dog know when it is okay to take food from your hand, otherwise any food you carry will be fair game.
Children often have trouble telling a puppy “Off” in a way that really tells the dog that they’re behavior is unaccetable. Help your child understand that they need to yell loudly when the dog pulls on clothing or mouths them inappropriately.
Puppies love to play, but it’s very important that everyone (especially children) enforces strict rules about physical play. If you want to have control over your adult dog, you have to train them as a puppy.