The Dog Blog


10 Tips For Current and Future Puppy Owners That Want to Train the Perfect Dog

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General Dog Training Tips

1. Choose Wisely When Selecting Your Future Pup

"You're Very Nice, But Get Away From Me, Weirdo”: A few words on puppy socialization

On Sunday, after an hour of taking in the sights, sounds, and scents of a local farmers market, I felt the unmistakable pang of hunger in my belly. I decided to grab a late lunch at a nearby patio eating spot.

Eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, I was casually strolling the half mile to my intended destination while studying the young professionals, hipsters, families, and (confession) the attractive women that peppered downtown on this beautiful spring day. Smiles were abundant and everyone seemed in high spirits.

Service Dog Training - Public Access Outing

Dogs with jobs, like people, require a strong core of foundation skills and opportunity to practice in order to be functional in their job. If the intention is to incorporate a dog into service, working for  you in a variety of public settings, taking the dog in public is fundamental to service dog training.

Advocacy Overdrive - Walking The Talk

I am releasing a new series of dog advocacy videos called Walking The Talk. They are short 1 – 3 minute videos of my exchanges with people while on a dog walk. These are real life occurrences not set-ups.  

Many people advocate for dogs and as much as they do via avenues such as Twitter or Facebook nothing is more powerful than real honest exchanges with dogs and people that result in a learning experience. 

Embedded thumbnail for A workshop with Ian Dunbar: Solving "impossible" off-leash, real-life behavior problems, real-time.

A workshop with Ian Dunbar: Solving "impossible" off-leash, real-life behavior problems, real-time.

In this vlog post Ian Dunbar describes one of his latest workhops and what he most enjoys about teaching people and dogs in this format. He loves bringing "impossible" problem behaviors into the workhop and resolving them in real time. He teaches handlers how to quanitfy progress, test reliability, and improve performace vastly. This put the responsibility of reliability and performance on the handler and on training, rather than on the dog.

Embedded thumbnail for Give Your Dog The Gift of Sniff with Nosework!

Give Your Dog The Gift of Sniff with Nosework!

It’s no secret what a dog’s nose knows. While we humans have only around 5 million scent receptors, dogs’ olfactory receptors number in the hundreds of millions! Dogs use their noses as a primary source of navigation and information gathering. They use scent-marking a source of communication. Dogs take in scent the way most people take in visual and auditory information.


Yet in our human-centric world, dogs are constantly thwarted or punished for gathering info/exploring/expressing themselves via sniffing and marking.



Pet Food and Canine Nutrition: Best Brands

I just read the Independent Pet Food Nutrition Research Study by John Martinez based on a modification to Goldstein’s Wellness & Longevity Program — Natural Care for Dogs & Cats.

Why is training recall so difficult for dog owners?

As with any training, recall is all about putting a routine into your dogs day which he enjoys taking part in. Recall should never mean "if I run back to my owners, she'll put me back on leash" but always, "if I run back to my owner, it's usually worth my while". With adult dogs, all recall training is easier done using a long line, which is dropped on the ground & dragged behind the dog. Never go from a short leash, to no leash. Instead use a long line which gives your dog freedom, without you losing control. 

Karlo & Taj dance

Dancing with the Stars Rhodesian Ridgeback Style

Socialization for your pup or dog is key to raising a healthy, stable animal. Socialization is exposure to SIGHTS, SOUNDS, SCENTS AND SURFACES paired with positive experience. Socialization is to people of all ages, other dogs (both on and the especially raucous off leash type of socializing), other animals and different places at different times of the day and throughout the year.


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