The Dog Blog


Housebreaking A Puppy

Housebreaking Tips: Does rubbing a dog's nose in it's mess teach a dog where to eliminate?

I received a question today from one of my Udemy SIRIUS® Academy students: “What do you say when a client tells you, in regards to puppy housebreaking, "Well I rubbed my dog's nose in his poop and he knew he was wrong and he never pooped in the house again."

Embedded thumbnail for Getting Ready for the Vets

Getting Ready for the Vets

The power of positive reinforcement training along side empowering your learner and giving them choice and control. Love my monkey boy:)

Leash Reactivity Counter Conditioning Behavior Modification Memory Learning Cognition

Leash Reactivity Cognition and Memory

There is a corresponding video for this blog on You Tube at this link

In November of 2012, I asked myself one simple question: “Why do dogs react, orient and attend to the environment in the ways they do?”

The Universe Verse on

Jamie's amazing Universe Verse Book - Get it now for free!

I love science, especially the behavioral sciences. That’s why I couldn’t be happier to announce that my baby boy, Jamie, has finished his epic ode to science, a project he’s been working on for over 7 years! 

Post BSL – Creating Safe Havens

The White House released a statement in regards to Breed Specific Legislation on August 23rd 2013 that summed it up by saying it was a “bad idea”. They primarily took the stance that the CDC has taken and that is a very good and logical stance to take. 

Ouch! Lead Work

A quick video tip for caregivers who find that their puppy bites or mouths them when they clip the lead on or off.

See video tip:

Casual Dog Training

I am not a clicker trainer, nor do I always use a verbal behavior marker.  Most of the time, when a dog does what I’d like the dog to do, I simply give the dog a reward.  It may be a treat, a toy or access to something the dog wants like going outside or getting a good tummy rub.  


‘I Want, I Want’ or ‘Please May I?’

You’ve waited for the arrival date for ages. You’ve bought toys, squishy beds, puppy food & a cute leash & collar set. When your bundle of fur arrives, you could never imagine it would ever cause you stress or hassle. No-one ever starts off with a puppy thinking ‘one day, my dog will suffer from a debilitating condition, which will limit our enjoyment of him & affect our whole family in the extreme’. The diagnosis is that increasingly far too many dogs I work with suffer from a chronic lack of self-control.

karen wild pickles winking at daft humans

Holding back - the intelligent art of tolerance in dogs

Chatting with a client during a behaviour session recently, I was moved to comment. They stated that their dog was extremely large and that they were afraid. The dog had grabbed at visitors' trouser legs on two occasions and on another, had nipped someone's ankles as they retreated from the room. The family lead a very busy but gentle life with callers at all hours and times, and this dog was described as a nervous puppy, right from the outset. Always hiding, or going to her crate when people arrived. Despite their socialisation and training attempts, this pup remained wary and shy.


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