The Six Pillars in Action with new project, Bosco

Bosco makes eye contact -- the first sign of trust

He's been here just a little over 24 hours and he's already got his first video posted! Meet Bosco. Like Flick, my banner model who graces the top of A Better Pet's web presence, this border collie mix is very smart. Unlike Flick, he is a little less manic (a LITTLE) and he's come with no apparent major baggage despite his having been rescued by my cousin Paula and her family three nights ago when he turned up in her headlights scared yet got in her car and poof, 36 hours later he arrived here and poof, six hours after that he had settled in enough to have a little lesson. So here, without further ado, an unedited live action introduction of clicker training, elements of The Six Pillars (see if you can see them all!) and me having oodles of fun amid a menagerie of animals on a lovely fall afternoon.


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