Regarding Rover

As I launch my new podcast radio show, I have to tell you that I agonized over a name.  I wanted something that would both inform potential listeners of the subject matter, while making a statement about my philosophy.  Of course, one has to accomplish that while paying attention to uniqueness and availability.  It’s a tough job.

My podcast is about dog training for the average pet dog owner and will be infused with my deep respect for the animals I share my life with.  I wanted to veer away from the “pack leader” mentality and leave behind the current trend of setting dogs up as a force to be triumphed over.

After spending a lot of time thinking about words, I remembered how often I’d been told to treat fellow trainers (of like or un-like minds) with “positive regard”.  Hmmm.  Regard…Rover.

Since my subject matter will be regarding rover, and what I want people to do is to regard rover, nothing could have been more perfect.  But, now the real test, Webster’s:

  • Main Entry: 1re·gard
  • Pronunciation: \ri-ˈgärd\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from regarder
  • Date: 14th century

1 archaic : appearance
2 a : attention, consideration <due regard should be given to all facets of the question> b : a protective interest : care <has no regard for her health>
3 : look, gaze
4 a : the worth or estimation in which something or someone is held <a man of small regard> b (1) : a feeling of respect and affection : esteem <she soon won the regard of her colleagues> (2) plural : friendly greetings implying such feeling <give him my regards>
5 : a basis of action or opinion : motive
6 : an aspect to be taken into consideration : respect <is a small school, and is fortunate in this regard>
7 obsolete : intention

in regard to : with respect to : concerning

with regard to : in regard to


Yes!  This is what my podcast, and all of my work, is really about.  Regarding Rover.

My first podcast will be tonight at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific).  If you can’t be there, archived shows are available whenever you can listen. 

Tonight’s topic?  The differences between training and behavior modification, when they cross paths and why dog owners should care.

Do you work in a dog rescue/shelter? Sign up for the Dog Shelter Behavior & Training Program – Free on Dunbar Academy