Dr Dunbar's iWoofs Podcasts


Embedded thumbnail for 23 Best games for a New Puppy

23 Best games for a New Puppy


Games are great!  In this episode the Dunbars talk about the best games for a new puppy, especially one that’s going to be living with a couple of young children.  Games can be used for motivating behaviors that are really useful, like Go To Your Crate or Off & Take-it.  Scent games can be a lot of fun, and quite useful, as can Go To for finding members of your family.  And really, in a family of four, any training activity can be turned into a game or competition, and probably should be.


Video iWoofs:  Season 2
Embedded thumbnail for 22 Premack Explained

22 Premack Explained

The Premack principle suggests that if a dog wants to perform an activity (a high frequency behavior / eating ice cream), they’ll be willing to perform a less desirable activity (low frequency behavior / eating spinach) in order to do so.  The less desirable behavior can be reinforced by the more desirable behavior.  In dog training this means that we can harness the exciting, motivating power of our dog’s favorite behaviors as reinforcers for the behaviors we want them to do.  We can string behavior routines together to charge each step with the positive association of a primary reward.

Embedded thumbnail for 21 Stray Dogs Getting Along

21 Stray Dogs Getting Along

In lots of cities and towns abroad there is often a culture where it's OK for dogs to roam around on their own unsupervised and unattended.  Very often these dogs get along very well, often without the kind of loud and unsettling aggression problems that dogs have when they're on leash with their owners.  One factor could be the extent to which many strays are intact, especially when it comes to the treatment and subsequent temperamental development of young male dogs.  Also, groups of stray dogs usually include a variety of ages and breeds, which naturally teach puppies how to behave aroun

Embedded thumbnail for 20 The Mimi Effect

20 The Mimi Effect

To learn more about Dr. Dunbar's seminars visit James And Kenneth Publishers

Embedded thumbnail for 19 Studying Puppies and Development

19 Studying Puppies and Development

To learn more about Dr. Dunbar's seminars visit James & Kenneth Publishers

Embedded thumbnail for 18 Dr. Beach and the Beagles

18 Dr. Beach and the Beagles

To learn more about Dr. Dunbar's seminars visit James & Kenneth Publishers

Embedded thumbnail for 17 German Shepherd Puppies Visit SIRIUS El Cerrito

17 German Shepherd Puppies Visit SIRIUS El Cerrito

We only learned of these puppies a week ago but we thought they could use some extra training and socialization, so in the spirit of the SIRIUS Puppy Raising Initiative we offered to help out.  We visited them at their home to help out with their housetraining set-up and then we scheduled a session at the SIRIUS facility in El Cerrito where they could meet some new dogs and get some one-on-one training.

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16 Interview with Jordan Shelley

Jordan Shelley has been through a lot since his appearance on BBC One show in the UK that stirred up a bit of controversy.  Some unfortunate editing and less-than ideal methods presented him in something of an unfavorable light.  Since then he’s made a trip to America where he attended the APDT annual conference in San Diego, and a Science-Based Dog Training (with Feeling) seminar by Dr. Ian Dunbar.  He’s turned a bit of a controversy into a wonderful opportunity to meet a lot wonderful dog trainers and learn a lot of exciting new info about dog behavior and learning theory.

Embedded thumbnail for 15 Wild Kentucky Squirrel Chaser

15 Wild Kentucky Squirrel Chaser

Marina adopted a black lab mix from a shelter that is absolutely obsessed with chasing squirrels.  It is a serious and traumatic problem, where a lack of training is resulting in a truly dangerous and upsetting situation.  Out of control dogs are unlikely to end up living long and happy lives.  Fortunately, it’s possible to harness this energy, and then use it in training.  Along the way, you need to hand feed your dog, and train them to enjoy playing tug and fetch with you.  By playing games with your dog and slowly increasing the level of distractions, you can gradually attain higher and

Embedded thumbnail for 14 Luring a Down

14 Luring a Down

Luring a dog the first time is the most difficult, and there are some tips and tricks you can use to lure a novice dog.  Most of the videos we’ve made recently have featured our dogs, who were already very trained when we made the videos.  To see some more examples of trouble shooting, you’ll want to watch the SIRIUS® Puppy 1 & Puppy 2 episodes.  Luring truly is an art form, where you have to adjust your approach according to the nature of the dog your working with.  For downs, it can be helpful to lure palm down, or think about how to make the lure as interesting and clear as possible.



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