My 5 Favorite Books for Teaching Dog Tricks

Tricks and games are some of the best way to motivate Humans to train their Dogs. Plenty of people who shirk their homework and procrastinate "important training" are happy to spend an afternoon perfecting a trick or playing a training game. They can be so much fun, and so motivating, and they are a great way to teach your dog to perform pro-social behaviors on cue, to help put other people and dogs at ease. 

I just shared five of my favorite books for teaching dog tricks on a new website called Shepherd.

Shepherd is making the process of searching for a new book fun. They ask authors like myself to recommend five books around a topic, theme, or mood. Then they make it fun for readers to browse books on topics and connect with each author's book recommendations. Check out their new bookshelves on books about dogs and dog training

Products from Dr. Ian Dunbar

  • When puppyhood collides with adolescence... you need different training techniques. Successful adult dog training requires controlling the dog’s energy and reactivity to regain attention.

  • Day 1: Business, Promotion, People Training and Games

  • Learn how to train dogs the SIRIUS® way! Learn how to run and promote your own dog-friendly dog training business.

  • In this DVD lecture, veterinarian and animal behaviorist Dr. Ian Dunbar addresses one of the most worrying behavior problems any dog owner can face — dogs that fight.

  • When you get a new puppy, you need to meet six developmental deadlines before your puppy is just five months old. Know what they are BEFORE you get your puppy!

  • All 4 books and 14 videos by Dr. Ian Dunbar at a discount of over 40%.

The Free Course Collection for Dog Owners, Trainers, Breeders, Veterinarians, Shelters/Rescues and Pet Stores