Reading Dog. Reflecting. Relaxing.

Since I have fallen hopelessly behind in my blogging quota, our esteemed editor has asked me to blog-post my last update on my Facebook profile, which turned out to be more of a three-installment blog than a status. Brevity is not my strong suit, that’s why I don’t Tweet!

Here it is...

Now going to read “Predictably Irrational” written by Dan Ariely, who I met when speaking at EG 2008. Just finished my fifth beach book and for the moment, I’m done with novels; I want to savour the last — “DOG Spelled Backward” is written by a fellow dog trainer, Fernando Camacho, who gave me a copy at my June New Jersey seminar.I had just devoured four novels, all written by New York Times best-selling authors, but “DOG…” was way superior. Of course, I may be a wee bit biased because the heroine is a sweet little pit-cross. But the book is crisply written, with a nice flow between action and calm — good characters and a great storyline — not preachy but certainly thought–provoking. A wonderful read for my annual reassessment of what’s-it’s-all-about? Exciting too! There was one point near the end of the book, when I nearly howled out loud in horror, (which I have done twice before). But of course, I cannot say more: I cannot divulge the plot. All in all, a marvelous read. Thank you, Fernando. Check it out on Amazon.

Products from Dr. Ian Dunbar

  • Children have natural advantages as trainers. Dogs like being with them, because they are playful and fun. All they have to do is learn a few simple training techniques and they’ll soon put grown ups in the shade.

  • Every Picture Tells A Story is an educational aid for children to explore the language of dogs. Dr. Ian Dunbar spends a day exploring the relationship between children and dogs.

  • In this DVD lecture, veterinarian and animal behaviorist Dr. Ian Dunbar addresses one of the most worrying behavior problems any dog owner can face — dogs that fight.

  • When you get a new puppy, you need to meet six developmental deadlines before your puppy is just five months old. Know what they are BEFORE you get your puppy!

  • Covers the last three developmental deadlines: 4. Socializing Your Puppy to People, 5. Teaching Bite Inhibition, and 6. Continuing Socialization in The World at Large.

  • Day 4: Puppy Classes & Home Training

The Guide to Getting a Dog – Free on Dunbar Academy