Polite Greetings – SIRIUS Adult Dog Training
Polite greetings take practice. It’s a good idea to train your dog to automatically sit when you meet another person, especially if they’re with another dog.
Training: Basic Manners Heel On-Leash
Polite greetings take practice. It’s a good idea to train your dog to automatically sit when you meet another person, especially if they’re with another dog.
DogStarDaily.com is a free website for dog lovers — a daily magazine with news, blogs, and articles about dog behavior, and a comprehensive digital dog training textbook with everything you need to know about training your puppy or dog.
We so strongly believe that puppy husbandry and training information is so important that it should be freely available to all, with the hope that dogs (and their humans) will be happier and healthier because of it. more »