Dr. Ian Dunbar | Tue, 08/02/2016 - 13:55
We recently posted a free course on DunbarAcademy.com: The Top Ten Tips to Become a Successful Dog Trainer
1. What's Common & What's Not
Dr. Ian Dunbar | Thu, 06/02/2016 - 15:54
I love dogs. Obviously. Dog behavior has been my life for nearly 50 years and for me, dog training has always been the most intriguing aspect of the whole field of animal behavior. I have always found dog training to be interesting, challenging, fulfilling, beyond useful, exciting, tantalizing and above all, fun.
Dr. Ian Dunbar | Tue, 01/14/2014 - 16:52
I received a question today from one of my Udemy SIRIUS® Academy students: “What do you say when a client tells you, in regards to puppy housebreaking, "Well I rubbed my dog's nose in his poop and he knew he was wrong and he never pooped in the house again."
Dr. Ian Dunbar | Thu, 06/20/2013 - 18:48
For a limited time you can use the promo code "10tips" to save 50% on Dr. Ian Dunbar's comprehensive Online Course How To Train a Puppy
General Dog Training Tips
1. Choose Wisely When Selecting Your Future Pup