Dr Dunbar's iWoofs Podcasts


3.09 - America's Dog Trainer

Dog Star Daily and the Dunbars could not be more excited to announce the launch of a new show that is going to revolutionize dog training TV.  There are nearly as many ways to train dogs as there are dog trainers, which is why we will feature a new trainer each week.  Each one will be using their own brand of  fun and effective, reward-based methods.  Part of the problem with traditional dog training TV is that it’s such a major production that it deprives trainers of the freedom to show real, authentic training, instead of highly-edited entertainment.  You can watch

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.08 - Dogs and Dog Trainers in the Media

Dog owners can have some silly notions about their dogs, but if you watch TV and movies it’s easy to see where they come from.  Dogs in the media are regularly portrayed as little people in doggy bodies, which automatically understand us and help us when we need it.   And the dog trainers that have been the most successful in the media have not necessarily been using the most effective or enjoyable methods, contributing to misperceptions about what dog training can and should be like.   The Dunbars talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of dogs in the media.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.07 - How Much is that Doggy in the Window?

Getting a dog is a huge responsibility in a a number of different ways.  In this episode, the Dunbars talk about the financial commitment that a dog, and especially a puppy require.  They break down the cost into the most common categories, and discuss tips on how you can save a little money without compromising your pet’s well-being.  Of course, the single biggest money-saving tip is to train your dog well from the very beginning.  Otherwise you’ll be spending money on destroyed property and professional training and socialization help later on.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.06 - Puppy Class Problems

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!  No puppy class is perfect, but an off-leash puppy training and socialization course provides one of the most wonderful learning opportunities in dog training.  Puppies can play together without worry that any of them are aggressive, learning invaluable socialization and bite-inhibition skills.  And a rough and tumble, totally wild puppy class is the greatest training challenge out there.  If you take the time to practice at home and the class is run well, you can gain amazing control of your crazy puppy.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.05 - Why Get a Dog?

People get dogs for a lot of different reasons.  In this episode we hear about the different dogs Kelly and Ian have had throughout the years, and the variety of roles the fulfilled for them.  Dog can provide a lot of things in their relationships with humans, with the most obvious being companionship and protection.  Dogs can make people friendlier, healthier and happier, but only if they've been trained properly.  A well-trained dog will help you make friends, get exercise and enjoy life!

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.04 - Festive or Foolish

The Holiday Pet Hokum:  Every December a lot of puppies are purchased as presents for their families.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.03 - Peaceful Paradise or Wild Kingdom

Living with multiple dogs can be a lot of work, even in the best of cases.  If those dogs don’t get along though, it can turn your entire life into a stressful nightmare.  As with all dog aggression, the first question is how good is their bite inhibition.  If the dogs are aggressive, but don’t actually harm each other, then the solution lies in lots of classical conditioning.  However, if the dogs are hurting each other you have a dangerous situation and you may have to find a new home for one of the dogs.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.02 - Resource Guarding

Resource guarding is a very natural behavior for dogs.  It’s very important that you take the time to teach your dog that they have no need to guard objects from humans.  Otherwise, you’ll have a ticking time bomb that’s eventually going to scare or hurt someone.  Meanwhile, they’ll live a life filled with unnecessary stress and anxiety.  Fortunately, training your dog to enjoy surrendering objects couldn’t be easier.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

3.01 - Pressure Cooker Behavior

Dogs have needs.  They’re dogs and they were born to do certain doggy things.  If you try to stop your dog from ever barking, chewing, digging, chasing it’s going to go crazy.  It’s just not fair to the dog.  The secret to success is teaching your dog when and where to do the things they love.  If you can put the behavior on cue, it will cease to be a problem.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 3

2.12 - Puppy Problems: When Will it End?

Puppy problems may look harmless now, but unless you do something about them, they’re going to get bigger and badder.  Puppies don’t naturally grow out of their biting, jumping up, barking or chewing habits.  Instead you have to train them how to do these things appropriately.  Fortunately, puppies are eager to learn.  The Dunbars explain the importance of tackling puppy problems head on, as early as possible.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 2


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