Dr Dunbar's iWoofs Podcasts


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13 PupQuest

Learn to be puppy-source savvy!  That’s the motto of PupQuest, a wonderful website  that provides a bunch of useful resources for people who are thinking about getting a puppy, so they can be absolutely sure that they getting one from a humane breeder, using positive training methods.  Puppy mills know that many people don’t want to support them, so they often take measures to hide their true nature by going through middlemen or utilizing slick website with pretty pictures.  So please, if you, or someone you know is thinking

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12 Resources for Breeders

Connie thinks there should be more books out there which show breeders how they can provide the best possible upbringing for their puppies.  We couldn’t agree more.  Breeders, like owners, can benefit from clear instructions regarding not only what needs to be done, but exactly how to do it.  Some breeders assume that it would take too much time to housetrain and chewtoy train their puppies, while also socialiazing them and introducing them to basic obedience.  In fact, it’s very easy and will save lots of time and energy in the long run.  If you’re a breeder interested in putting together 

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11 Not Enough Puppies to Play

Tracy is running puppy classes and wants to make them as useful and successful as possible.  Unfortunately, she’s having trouble getting the volume of puppies that will allow her puppies to get a variety of socialization experiences with other dogs.  Jamie & Kelly explain how she can still provide plenty of socialization with people and props.  And she can certainly use a rotating schedule of puppies, or a regular play session for puppies to interact with adult graduates of her puppy school.  It’s really valuable for puppies to play with a variety of dogs of a variety of ages, assuming

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10 Spring Training

Amy rescued a dog a few months back and now that the weather is warming up and they’ve been going on more walks, they’ve noticed some problems with control around fast-moving distractions.  Bikes, joggers, cars and squirrels all prove too interesting to resist.  These are some of the most potent distractions out there, and you’ll only stand a chance against them if you proof your dog’s obedience thoroughly.  Work your way up to them by slowly increasing their presence and proximity as you train.  You can also harness the power of fast-movements and chasing for training, by integrating it in

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09 Collar Crazy Spazz Out

Alice’s Jack Russell Terrier goes totally out-of-control-crazy any time she opens the drawer with the leash and collar in it, making it very difficult to go on walks.  Fortunately, Kelly & Jamie have a plan for her.  Simply wait until she calms down enough to sit on command before you put on her collar or take her anywhere.  The first few times will be slow but if you can muster the patience early on, you’ll save so much time and frustration in the long run.

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08 Zuckerberg Dog Decision

Kelly & Jamie discuss Mark Zuckerberg’s new dog, and the small kerfuffle  that arose when he used the term “adopt” to describe his acquisition of the dog from a breeder.  Some people out there apparently think the term “adopt” should  be reserved only for dogs brought home from shelters or rescue organizations.

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07 Settling the Springer

How do you get an 8 month old Springer to settle down when the family IS around the house?  The Dunbars address one of the biggest problems in the doggy world: out of control barking.  The solution may seem counter-intuitive, but the most effective way to get barking under control is to train your dog to bark on cue.  And of course, a stuffed chewtoy in her crate will give her something to keep her quietly occupied.

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06 Leash Chewing & Car Chasing

In this episode the Dunbars answer a couple of questions submitted by SIRIUS® Puppy Training students.  How to stop a dog from chewing their leash when it’s attached to their collar?  How to stop a herding dog from chasing dogs on a walk?  Basically, walking is a deceptively difficult exercise, and it’s well worth taking the time to practice being outside without trying to go anywhere.

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05 Protection Sports

Do protection sports promote aggressive or dangerous behavior in dogs? The Dunbars discuss the pros and cons of protections sports, including the huge amount of time and energy that they can require. Done well, these activities can be a wonderful learning and training experience for a dog, and a great way to build a positive relationship between dog and owner. A dog that has practiced protection sports properly is probably under much better control than one who hasn’t.

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Pack Leadership

What does pack leadership mean for pet dog training? How do you ensure that you are leading your dog, not following them? What does it mean to be a good leader for your dog? The Dunbars talk about the many misconceptions about leadership that run rampant in the dog training world. As the leader, it's up to you to set the rules your dog should follow.



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