Dr Dunbar's iWoofs Podcasts


7.03 Post Pandemic Life With Your Dog

Join Dr. Ian Dunbar, Kelly Dunbar and Jamie Dunbar in the Vodcast version of the long running iWoofs Podcast. In this episode they discuss what post pandemic life with your dog might be like and how to avoid some of the pitfalls the pandemic created for dog training. Check out Dunbar Academy at https://www.dunbaracademy.com/

7.02 Pandemic Puppies

Check out Dunbar Academy at https://www.dunbaracademy.com/ Join Dr. Ian Dunbar, Kelly Dunbar and Jamie Dunbar in the Vodcast version of the long running iWoofs Podcast. In this episode they discuss the impact the pandemic has had on puppies and puppy training.

7.01 We're Back!

Join Dr. Ian Dunbar, Kelly Dunbar and Jamie Dunbar in the first YouTube Vodcast of their long running iWoofs Podcast. In this episode they catch us up on whats been going on over the last few years and talk about whats to come in the future.

6.03 The Myth of Food in Training - Part 2

We had more thoughts about food in training! Specifically, what constitutes a bribe? Food can be so useful for teaching dogs behaviors and motivating them to do those behaviors on cue, but we don’t want our dogs’ attention and compliance to become dependent on food lures or rewards, so how do we use food intelligently in training?
Tags:  Audio Version

6.02 The Myth of Food in Training - Part 1

Some people want their dogs to do what they ask without having to use food in training. A lot of people don’t want to have to bribe their dog to get them to follow instructions. So what is a bribe? What is a lure? What is a reward? How can you use food in training without becoming dependent on it?
Tags:  bribe food lure reward treats

6.01 The Myth of Intent

We started out with the intention of discussing all the most common dog training myths. But, as is so often the case, once we got started, we just couldn’t stop, and so this episode ended up being entirely about one of the most common myths in dog training: the myth of intent. Too often, dog owners and trainers get too hung up on why a dog did something, usually blaming the dog for being spiteful, malicious, stubborn, etc. In the end, we’ll never know why dog’s do things, but that shouldn’t stop us from training!
Tags:  dog training dominance myths positive punishment stubborn

5.12 Puppy Classes Gone Bad

There are people who believe that puppy classes are causing an increase in some dog behavior problems? Could there be any truth to this? What is a puppy class for? What makes a puppy class good? What can make a puppy class bad?

iWoofs Seas:  Season 5

5.11 Is Pet Dog Aggression on the Rise?

We give this question a second attempt, and this time we manage to stay on topic. Is there an increase of dog aggression or just the perception of dog aggression? If aggression is on the rise, how can we address it?

iWoofs Seas:  Season 5
My Dog Eats Poop - Coprophagia

5.10 My Dog Eats Poop

Coprophagia (the eating of poop) is not pretty, but is there an upside? In this episode we discuss why some dogs eat feces and how you might prevent them from eating feces in the future.

iWoofs Seas:  Season 5

5.09 Unplugged, Unedited & Off-Topic

Is aggression on the rise with pet dogs? Who knows? We certainly don’t get to the bottom of this question in this episode where we meandered a bit off the original topic, into the realm of punishment and discipline and how they fit into the practice of dog training. How do we correct our dog’s behaviors when they aren’t appropriate?

iWoofs Seas:  Season 5


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