Tails of Devotion

I just bought my fifth copy of a book called Tails of Devotion. Why, you may ask, do I need five copies of the same book? Do I keep losing it? Am I daft? No and no.

There are two reasons really, firstly because it is a very touching book and I find myself wanting to share it’s content with others, but I can’t possibly give away my own copy! Secondly, I keep buying Tails of Devotion because 100% of the proceeds from the book go to animal welfare non-profits. 100%! So I keep buying more copies because not only is it philanthropic to do so, but it also makes a wonderful gift for animal lovers.

"If you and your pet could communicate by paper, what would you write to each other?" This is the concept on which the book Tails of Devotion is based, and what a beautiful concept it is.

The premise of the book is so wonderful, a literary version of the connection between strangers with one common bond, a genuine understanding of how animals are not only a part of the modern family but also of how they serve as a much needed reminder of the truly important things in life. Our animal companions keep us safe and sane, a challenging task in an increasingly lonely and volatile world.

The book beautifully illustrates something that I have seen for years.

As a dog behavior counselor, a dog-related business owner, and the president of an animal related non-profit, I am fortunate enough to see the tremendous connection between people and their animals on a regular basis. It is a bond that is mutually beneficial and often life-changing for both species. Tails of Devotion gives the rest of the world a glimpse into the best of what I see everyday.

I believe this book will serve a much greater purpose than perhaps even intended. Animals speak to our hearts and souls; they create a pathway into the fragile human psyche that is often otherwise virtually inaccessible. Humans open up around animals, we connect better, listen better; try harder on their behalf. They serve as furry (or scaly) diplomats; always working to help us better understand each other and the natural world around us. They already see in us the higher beings we could be, and often learn to be, because of their presence.

It is this magical effect animals have on humans that gives me so much hope for the future. I believe that the deep connection to our beloved animal companions is the key to raising the bar regarding kindness, compassion, and communication for humanity. Animals are our teachers and Tails of Devotion is our textbook.

This book will warm your heart like no other. Each story rings true with an undertone of love and devotion that every animal lover will recognize and appreciate. And, lest you begin to feel left out, your own story untold, there is a wonderful place at the end of the book for you to add your own tale of devotion. This ingenious feature allows for you to author your very own happy ending.

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