Alfresco Dining

Tip 1

First of all you will need to know if your dog likes ice, because if he doesn’t then maybe this tip won’t be such fun for your pet.

Basically all you need to do is make ice cubes with a piece of kibble or some other piece of food in the middle. However you can take this and make variations; so in the summer I will get a large bucket and fill it with water and add a little orange squash, then add some kibble, a bone or toy then place the bucket in a large freezer. The next day I empty the extra large ‘cube’ into the garden and Kane has a fun day with something to keep him cool during a very hot day.

I know that zoos will use this with some of their animals and I think it such a fun and very simple way for every one and their pet (if they enjoy it).

If you do this with your pet already, a variation of this, decided to give it a go with your pet, have any hints, suggestion and or comments then please leave a note using the option at the end of the blog.

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