The Dog Blog


The Alaskan Pug: A whimsical story involving Pugs

The Alaskan Pug

First, it’s important to explain the differences between the Alaskan pug and the normal pet variety. The Pug dates originally to 400 B.C., was once the pet of Tibetan monks, and flourished in the sixteenth century as a lap dog. Since the temperament and personality of the Pug is already tenacious, brilliant, devilish, competitive and hardy, people began to dream of using the Pug to compete in various canine sports. Therefore, towards the end of the nineteenth century, breeders began deliberately enhancing certain traits in their litters to establish performance characteristics. Soon there were Pugs competing in protection sports, agility, police work and dog sledding, among other things. Thus: The Alaskan Pug.


3rd Entry- May 24th '07 Hanoi, North Vietnam

Challenges I face in Hanoi: Many people have asked me about the challenges I face here training dogs. The challenge is not so much the dogs as it is the people.

I am in North Vietnam folks. These people in my most honest opinion are so awesome. I love the culture here. It is not for some, and yes, some do eat dogs as a specialty. Enough on that. The people I have a love affair with, I cannot believe our government had to try to bully these loving people. Look what happened to us. They kicked our butts all around the jungle and rivers.

They had their own dogs of war.That will be a separate entry.


Gimme Shelter

In the 90s, I spent many hours each week at the Los Angeles city shelters. I began as a volunteer and eventually became a volunteer coordinator, training other volunteers. One comment I heard over and over from the visiting public was, “How can you stand to be here day after day? It’s so depressing!” Well, it’s true that there are aspects of shelter work that can be upsetting and even depressing. But I cannot express how fulfilling volunteering at a shelter can be, on so many levels.


Gardening with Dogs

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
- Margaret Atwood

There are only a few things that I love as much as dogs. They are fresh dirt, new plants and cheesecake. Cheesecake has nothing to do with this post, but it’s always worth mentioning.

I’m one of those crazy people who think yard work is synonymous with total relaxation. The excitement of creating something that wasn't there before, rearranging what is there and being surprised at what appears on it's own (like the Elderberry tree that volunteered in exactly the right spot last year) is more satisfying to me than anything else I can think of. Well, okay, excluding THAT.

This year, however, is the first time that I am gardening with the help of five dogs. Two of them did an excellent job of pruning my palm tree. Really, they did it perfectly!


Breed Haiku Challenge!

Stubborn little nose
Finds its way without a map
GPS on paws

Tri-colored and keen
Pleading eyes and happy soul
The hound of my heart

Several years ago, Jessie Beagle and I visited a veterinary specialist two hundred miles away in the Windy City. Jess was fifteen at the time, which is old by anyone’s canine standard, but she was still active and spry, and I wanted to get to the bottom of some health issues she was having. I was fortunate to find a young veterinarian in Chicago, trained at Iowa State Veterinary College. She was a spitfire from Scotland and was a good sport about her Scottish accent, amidst so many Midwesterners. She quite clearly loved animals, and had a special penchant for my old, very white beagle. For the purposes of this article, we’ll refer to her as McTavish.


Dog Training in Vietnam: Part Deux

Yesterday was another EPIC day for all my students and me. The subject matter was "Socialization". Well, they did not understand what and why initially but thanks to a top notch translator my job has been rather smooth in getting them to see and understand things in a new way.  


Desperate Times Call for Sensible Measures

Lots of things “work” in dog training. Throwing a can of coins at a dog who is barking at the door might get the dog to stop barking. However, it might be a good idea to stand in the dog’s fur and ask what you’ve just learned.

You’ve learned that your owner might throw scary things at you. You’ve learned that barking at the door makes scary or unpleasant things happen. You might decide that your owner is scary and unpredictable, or that the door is a dangerous place.


Dog Training in Vietnam: Entry- May 22nd 2007, Hanoi, North Vietnam

For those of you who do not know me, I am a dog trainer based in Los Angeles California and I have been living on a island Koh Phangan in the Southern Gulf of Thailand part-time since 1990.

Over the years I have been exploring around Asia. I found myself in Hanoi for what I thought was just a fluke, a vacation. But now I do believe in Destiny.


Breed Bans: An odious topic

Last week I was called to the Massachusetts State House to testify about “dangerous dogs.” I agreed to go because it was just an information gathering session and anyway, Representative Vincent Pedone, who invited me sounded like a reasonable guy on the phone.

When asked about breed bans I lead off with the statement that the breed bans were odious. I guess I should have used the word hateful because a lot of people misunderstood and sent me hate email (“How could a person in your position …”etc).


Slow and Steady Saves You Face

At my dog daycare facility, I often find owners struggling to help their dog maintain a sit during greetings, or apologizing for their excited behavior in the daycare lobby. They seem to really want the dog to come into the facility in a calm, respectable manner. This same scene takes place on sidewalks, in parks, at the vet’s office and in homes across the country.



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