The Things We Do For Love

Forget romantic love. I’m talking here about the over-the-top, I’ll-do-anything-for-my-fur-kid insanity that so many of us dog moms and dads are prone to. There are the serious things, like spending the better part of your life savings on a pricey operation for your dog—whether he’s 4 months or 14 years old. There are things that fall into the “I can’t believe I’m doing this” category, like finding yourself outside doing tracking with your dogs in sub-zero weather because it makes them so darned happy.

Then there’s my friend who is dog-mom to two large pit mixes, one of whom happens to be a fiend for bacon. She was traveling for business recently (the friend, not the dog—her four-footed highness prefers to conduct her business from home). After a meeting, she and another participant went out to IHOP, which my friend never does. According to her, know what’s great at IHOP? Bacon! Guess what she did with the bacon? Eat it? Nah. She FED EX'D IT TO HER DOG! This tickled me to no end. I still smile when I think about it.

What kinds of crazy things have you done "for the love of dog"? What’s the strangest thing you’ve heard of someone else doing? Or the funniest? It’s always nice to know we’re not the only ones who are a little over the top!

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