Give it Time

What a difference a year makes! Last year I wrote about gardening with dogs here on DSD. Well, here we are again knee deep in Spring projects with five dogs running around the yard.

But this year is different. My dogs are now 1, 2, 2, 7 and 13. They are still curious about what I'm doing, but don't get quite as excited about helping me dig a hole or tasting any new thing I might plant.

Their paths through the yard have been well established and I don't plant things that will get in their way. Their recall is great. They respond immediately to, "Get outta there!" All digging, wrestling and pooping happens in appropriate areas of the yard.

Some of this is due to my "kids" growing up. But, the passing of time alone doesn't change behavior. It is what happens in that time that makes the difference. Over the last year, we have consistently worked on recall. We have consistently reminded our dogs where to play, poop and dig. We have supervised them outdoors so we're there to say, "Get outta there!" when we need to.

Puppyhood and doggy adolescence can be exhausting. But if you keep at it with love, patience and consistency, the pay-off is so worth it!

If you missed it last year, please visit my blog on gardening with dogs:

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