Fall is in the Air


Back in June, during the dog days of summer, you may recall I drove ol' now 7 year old Trip down and back to Columbus (five hours driving) for a half hour photo shoot that culminated in this past Sunday's Joann Fabric insert in the local Cleveland Plain Dealer. I actually forgot it would be in this week but as it happened (and they say there are no accidents!) I had to get some drapery hooks and while I was at the store, looking at the circular for sale items, lo and behold on page 10 I found my Pumpkin clad boy emanating out of the pages photoshopped into a picture of a woman in a creepy outfit with a scythe and a little pink clad ballerina!!! Across from the page was a wee little golden pup with a Hannah Montana chick and a vampire dude. There's definitely a crisp to the air, and I promised Trip when I got home that the worst I'd do was put Bean's devil ears on come this Halloween!

The Behavior Problems Crash Course. Free on Dunbar Academy