Advocacy Overdrive - Help get the truth out about a dog attack
On Feb 4th 2010 in Hoboken NJ there was a dog incident that left three people injured and two dogs dead. Of course the press and the police have not released ANY information as to why the dogs acted so aggressively. The evening news flashed its obligatory “pit bull mauls” graphic and slanted the story to make it sound like the dogs were the ones at fault.
There are at least two accounts that the dog named Giant was subjected to an owner that was abusive and neglectful.
I am asking people to please contact the press and the authorities in NJ and request that the owner be investigated and the truth be told about the owner’s abusive history towards Giant.
As is always the case with incidents involving dogs that attack, there was human negligence and abuse towards the male dog, Giant. In a post on NJ dot com and reports to Hoboken 411 dot com, there are allegations of the dog being repeatedly hit in the face and generally not cared for and treated inhumanely.
Dogs do not simply attack humans without provocations or a history of abuse and neglect. Dogs view the world as safe or unsafe without the intellectual morality of humans, dogs either fight or flight when they are threatened. As Dr. Ian Dunbar states “Humans are the biggest variable in a dog’s behavior and training”. Let's find out what the humans were doing to cause this attack.
There is more to the story than the press and the police are reporting.
Please contact the press and the Hoboken police and the SPCA’s cruelty division and demand that the owner of Giant be questioned as to how he was treating the dog. Please request that they gather more information from other residents in the apt building and the neighborhood to find out what they know. The contact info is below.
We need to bring this to light so Pit Bull dogs get some vindication here. From all accounts this dog was defending itself and most likely could not take any more abuse.
Here are the criteria for all fatalities and serious injuries attributed to dogs.
1 – Human abuse and negligence, dogs abused by pain training, dogs kept for protection and guarding, dogs tied up or housed constantly. Dogs made to be aggressive with the use of pain and fear.
2 – Dogs not spayed or neutered
3 – Multiple dogs
4 – Dogs and children unsupervised
5 – Dogs roaming the streets
This case has both the criteria of abuse/negligence as well as multiple dogs. There is more to the story and it needs to be told.
Who to contact?
Hoboken Police dept
Chief of Police
Anthony P Falco, Sr
106 Hudson St
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
Mayor Dawn Zimmer
94 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030
(201) 420-2013
Angel Alicea – Public Safety Dir.Hours: M - F, 9 am - 4 pm
Phone: (201) 420-2245
Fax: (201) 420-9513
Jersey Journal - 201-963-5100
Personal service available:
7:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday
8:00 am to noon Saturday
Hoboken 411 dot com
220 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 949-1100
NEWS TIP PHONE: (212) 210-2411
Fox 5 News
ABC Channel 7
WABC-TV Main Station Number: 212.456.7000
Mailing Address:
7 Lincoln Square
NY, NY 10023
Call The News Desk:
For Other Calls to the Newsroom:
Email the Newsroom at [email protected]
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Phone: 212-975-4321
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Phone: 212-975-7675
Posts on the web about the history of abuse Giant was subjected to by his owner.
by Rubee14 on
As far as this dog was a matter of time before this dog attacked after all the abuse that he was under. I watched as he was tied up outside Liberty (as his owners were getting drunk) in the heat and rain without any protection, food or water for hours on end...they didn't even let him have a leash long enough to lay down...when the owner (of the bar) or other people would make comments, he would laugh it off. He allowed one of his construction dog walkers to walk him, pulling on his leash until the dog whimpered loudly and just last week, was witnessed punching the dog over and over in the face.
SOMETHING MORE WAS GOING ON IN THAT APARTMENT!!! I believe this dog didn't attack for no reason. I knew that dog, brought him water and treats ...he was sweet, almost is the OWNERS....not the dog....the dog is better off dead...the owner should be in jail ...oh and by the way, this should make you feel even better - they live for free or really cheap because they are construction workers in the area!
I live in Hoboken and know who the owners of these dogs are. And it was a matter of time before these dogs attacked. These dogs were treated horribly...tied up outside bars while the owners were inside the heat and the rain...tied up with not enough length on the leash for them to even lie down!!! People would say things to the owners and they would laugh it off.
The apartment building that they live in is upscale but they are scum and live there because they do construction in the area...
Just last week, the owner of the dog had this deadbeat construction worker (that works for him) walk his dog and people witnessed the dog being punched in the face.
I have been in this dogs company...he was sweet and quiet and almost sad. I have brought him water ....gave him treats....THIS DOG DID NOT ATTACK FOR NO REASON........SOMETHING WAS GOING ON IN THAT APARTMENT!!!!!
Neighbors living at Constitution Court gave Hoboken411 some additional information regarding the crazy scene last night. First of all, the Pit Bull “Giant” was owned by a tenant named “Hutch,” who is an Applied Housing employee. He had adopted this dog, believed to be in the neighborhood of about three years old within the last 12 months. His 26 year old girlfriend “Tash” (Natasha) was one of the victims that was injured. She had her own dog, a cute grey Terrier named “Gracie” (pictured below.) During the whole frenzy, the ASPCA was going to take her away too, but Paul Michael apparel shop owner graciously (no pun intended) took in the dog until it can return home. Apparently, Natasha’s mother is coming to Hoboken from her hometown in Pennsylvania.
The second Pit Bull (name unknown) was not a tenant of the apartment, but rather was visiting with a friend.
Details are a bit unclear as to exactly how the mayhem began, but area neighbors believe it was a “aligning of the planets” kind of situation, where drunken and slightly agitated humans, mixed with multiple dogs in the same apartment led to the unruly and bloody incident. Others told 411 that they felt the owners were unfit to care for these dogs.
In fact, if you followed Hoboken411’s Twitter Page, you would have seen that this same Pit Bull bit a roommate back on January 29th – so this incident came as no surprise to anyone.