Stay, Come & Follow

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Beware the Fly-by - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

You need to train your dog to slow down as they approach you, especially if you have a big dog.  Eventually, it’s a good idea to train them to sit after their recalls.

Training:  Stay, Come & Follow
Embedded thumbnail for Walking Away - Training the Companion Dog 3 – Walking & Heeling

Walking Away - Training the Companion Dog 3 – Walking & Heeling

With slow dogs you have to walk directly away or they’re sure to start taking shortcuts.  Get them excited and keep them focused.

Training:  Stay, Come & Follow
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Keep them Going - Dog Training for Children

Keep your puppy interested in training.  If their attention begins to lag, ask them to do something simple and give them a treat.  Be aware of your surroundings and if you’re having trouble, avoid distractions.

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Praising the First Step - Training Dogs with Dunbar

During recalls, the first step is the most important.  Watch your dog closely and be sure to praise them at appropriate times.

Embedded thumbnail for No Laughing Matter - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

No Laughing Matter - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

Your laughter is a powerful reward for your dog, so be careful to avoid laughing when they misbehave.

Training:  Stay, Come & Follow
Embedded thumbnail for Recall For Fun - SIRIUS Puppy Training Classic

Recall For Fun - SIRIUS Puppy Training Classic

Before introducing treats, take a moment to try luring your pup by simply being fun & interesting.  Yell and clap to make them come, then praise and pet them for a reward.  Treats can be a valuable tool in training, but it can become a crutch if youre not careful.

Training:  Stay, Come & Follow
Embedded thumbnail for Praising While Walking - Dog Training for Children

Praising While Walking - Dog Training for Children

Maintaining a dog’s attention while heeling is not easy.  It’s easiest to do in short sequences, but Leslie is very good at praising Bebe to keep her heeling by her side.

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Come & Go 3 Tough Voice - Dog Training for Children

Use the power of your voice to control your dog.  If your dog ignores you, change your tone so they know you mean business.  Set yourself up for success by getting the dog’s attention before it’s released.

Training:  Stay, Come & Follow
Embedded thumbnail for Proofing Jinty’s Down Stay - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

Proofing Jinty’s Down Stay - Training the Companion Dog 4 – Recalls & Stays

As your dog gets the hand of staying, you can phase out the running commentary and introduce more silly behavior.  Go slowly and increase the challenge a little bit at a time to maintain the momentum of success.

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A Girl & Her Dog - Dog Training for Children

You shouldn’t expect a child to successfully train a dog all on their own, but sometimes it does happen.  Emily has clearly spent a lot of time working with Jessie, and Jessie clearly loves training with her.


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