Announcing the Dunbar Academy YouTube channel

Dunbar Academy is now on YouTube

We're excited to announce that we've launched a new YouTube Channel!

It's going to feature videos of all three of the Dunbars dispensing top-notch dog training informaiton and entertainment! Our goal is to add at least one new video each week and so we've been doing A LOT of filming lately.

We'll feature some of the videos here, on Dog Star Daily as well, but certainly not all of them, so if you don't want to miss any, you should definitely subscribe to the channel on YouTube.

At the moment, we've got three "series" going:

First, there's Mail Bag with Ian, where he answers questions from our Dunbar Academy subscribers, including members of the Dog Lover's Library and the Top Dog Academy. If you'd like to have Ian answer a question, join Dunbar Academy and send us your question.

Second, there's the Dunbar Dog Diaries, which currently features Kelly training a foster dog Nox with essential skills he'll need to find a happy new home.

And third, I've got a series I've been calling Quick Tips, which are short videos that explain some really simple, easy-to-use concepts that can really make dog training more effective and enjoyable.

We've got some ideas for some other series for the future, so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out.

Here's a few examples:



Do you work in a dog rescue/shelter? Sign up for the Dog Shelter Behavior & Training Program – Free on Dunbar Academy