Saying Thank You

I will admit that there are days when I just don't feel like teaching classes. It's not often, but it does happen. Once I start a class, however, I forget about whatever it was that got me sidetracked in the first place. I don't think about housework, paperwork, finances, being tired or anything other than the dogs and owners in front of me. That's how I know I'm doing what I should be doing.

After class, I often marvel at the commitment of my students. It's easy to forget sometimes that my students might not feel like coming to class either. They have families, jobs, housework, TV shows to watch and probably a million other things to do. But there they are, dependably taking time out of their busy life to learn how to do their best for their dog.

Many of my students come as a family, which really makes me smile. Couples, kids and sometimes even friends and extended family are there. I wonder if they are able to forget the rest of the world for an hour and enjoy being immersed in dogdom?

Maybe training classes are more than just training classes? For the dog lover, maybe training classes are a way to set aside everything else and just enjoy an hour of fun, learning, laughing and bonding through our interest in things canine.

Whatever it is, I'm always glad I'm there, I'm honored to have the opportunity to teach and I'm constantly impressed with those who attend.

Are you a dog breeder? Sign up for the Dog Breeder Behavior & Training Program