The Dog Blog


You Can't Always Get What You Want

I love Trader Joe’s fire-roasted red peppers. Why am I telling you this, and what the heck does it have to do with dogs? Bear with me. The other day, after applying my usual level of culinary finesse, I had assembled the greater part of a simple sandwich. The only thing lacking was a handful of those delicious peppers. I fished the brand new jar out of the fridge, grabbed the lid, twisted, and…nothing. I applied some muscle. Still nothing. The lid was apparently unimpressed by my history as a former bodybuilder. Salivating like Pavlov’s dog, I ran the jar under hot water. Tapped on it. Danced a jig. Nothing, nothing, nothing! Turns out the Stones were right—you can’t always get what you want. I wonder what my reaction would have been, had I not been prepared by life experiences to deal with frustration. Perhaps, in a pepperless fit, I would have smashed the jar into bits, splattering the white kitchen tiles with angry streaks of fire-roasted red.


Be Careful What You Wish For

"If only my dog lived longer..." We hear it all the time, especially from people whose dogs are nearing the end of their years, whether it's seven or 14.   Some people swear they'll never get another dog, because their best friend is gone.  I certainly agree that it's very sad, often much sadder than the loss of a friend or even a family member.   This is probably because we don't hold back on our love for our dogs, and they don't hold back on us - like small children, dogs aren't ambivalent about their loves, their fears, or even their hates (one of my dogs hates the dog in the office next door, and has for years and years).  

But I'm not sure I want my dogs to live as long as me...or even double their alloted time.  Just think, if dogs lived to be 30....


Dog Training Recipes

Here are some simple recipes to quickly and easily spice up your dog's training. Enjoy!

~Recall Salad~
5 Pieces of kibble
5 Pieces of freeze dried liver
5 Small cubes of cheese
1 Dog
1 Human
1 Yard


I Saw It On TV… What Methods Do You Use?

What methods do you use…relatively few prospective clients ask this, and when they do you can’t be certain exactly what they are hoping for. When an owner asks me, “what methods do you use?” – I ask back, “how much experience do you have with dog training, and what are your goals with your dog?” Some think they want harsh methods to ensure an “obedient” dog; some want reassurance that a gentle method will be used while others want to do the training “just like I did with my first dog twenty-five years ago”. However, the training of dogs has changed dramatically in the last twenty years, along with the perception of a dog’s place in the home, and the standards of training itself.

Clickers, steel slip chains, prong collars, no-pull harnesses….dog whisperers, communicators, leaders, companions. What’s an owner to do?


The Myth of the Spoiled Dog

Why is it that if a dog barks for a treat, we say he’s demanding; but, if the dog sits for a treat, we say he’s asking? The differences in value judgments here are purely human. Both behaviors are equally appropriate and doable from the dog’s perspective.

Behaviorally speaking, right and wrong are simply divided by that which gets you the result you want and that which doesn’t. It has nothing to do with that which embarrasses your owner in front of his boss, or that which impresses the neighbors. Those are concepts beyond the scope of canine understanding. A dog who barks for a treat and gets it is just as well trained as the dog who sits for a treat and gets it. They’ve just been trained to do very different things.


Izzy & Emma Go Camping

Here in Oregon, we like to camp. The biggest reason for this is the vast amount of outdoor beauty available to us in this state. You can camp at the coast, in the woods, on the high desert, or in the mountains. We have lakes, rivers and streams, miles of ancient lava flows, magical sea-side mountains said to still contain never-found treasure, and wildlife that ranges from the tiny chipmunk to the bear to the impressive Elk.

Last week we decided to venture out to the Willamette National Forest. I don’t care where in the world you live, this is a place worth visiting! We recently bought a new tent-camper and wanted to try it out. This is the kind of camper that is solid on the bottom half and a tent pops up on top of it. Our camper has two double beds and a twin bed, so we had to choose a couple of our dogs to go along, both to take up some space and keep us warm in the chilly evening mountain air.



The fact that NFL player, Michael Vick, is being indicted by a Federal grand jury in connection with illegal dog fighting that took place on his property has focused my attention once more on this barbaric and inhumane practice.

I find it absolutely stunning that some 20,000 to 40,000 people each year participate in dog fighting in the United States. What is wrong with these people that they can revel in seeing one dog maimed or killed by another? I think that people who indulge in and enjoy dog fighting are the scum of the earth. They breed dogs to be aggressive and not submit, and the methods they use to hone the dogs’ fighting skills are torturous and barbaric. How could anyone watch let alone enjoy a fight in which dogs are maimed or killed beats me.


Which Comes First?

I’m sitting in London’s Heathrow Airport, waiting for my flight back home to California and am taking some time to reflect on these last 10 days in England. Unlike so many of my trips this one was for social reasons, not work, and I had plenty of time to explore and enjoy my surroundings, which for me includes checking out the local dog scene.

This time around I spent a large portion of my time here in The New Forest. It is a place full of the usual forest animals (deer, fox, pheasant, rabbits, frogs, snakes, etc) and also a place where livestock animals (ponies, cattle, pigs, donkeys) free-graze, pretty much roam free in general, anywhere they’d like really, and it is fantastic.


Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match...

I recently visited a client who was very concerned about her new puppy, and rightly so. The nine-week-old corgi was an adorable bundle of energy that belonged in a working environment, not a pet home. She was born to be a ranch dog; or perhaps, living in a city environment, an agility dog. What she was not ever going to be was the docile, cuddly fur-child the woman had longed to snuggle with and coo over. It just wasn’t who this rambunctious herding breed pup was.

Within mere seconds of my stepping over the kitchen gate, the puppy launched herself at my pants legs, pulling at them with a surprising amount of tenacity and strength. When verbally reprimanded, she would growl and back off for a split second, then go right back to what she had been doing. When the woman tried to cuddle her, her “sweet baby” squirmed, vocalized, and sank her teeth into the woman’s hand. She showed me a number of tiny scabs that made her look like a human pincushion.


Bringing Home Bella

I recently had the great fortune to be a part of an exciting moment in a client’s life. I traveled with them to pick up their brand new puppy and was there to supervise the first meeting between the pup and the client’s resident dog. Nothing could be more exciting!

I get a lot of calls about how to choose a second dog, how to prepare for it and how to handle the introductions. Many people want to spend a lot of time talking about the dog they’re planning to add to their family. They are often surprised to find that I am far more interested in talking, at length, about the dog they already have.



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