

Dogs recognize John Flanagan as the gentle giant who they want to serve. You may recognize John from some of the many national TV commercials he has done over the years. Others will know John as a freelance union animal trainer to the entertainment industry.

John began his home training practice in 1998 after experiencing success and discovery from his work with his standard and giant Schnauzers, Garbo & Franklin. John uses a technique to teach dogs commands using rewards and hand signals. A strong believer in training using positive reinforcement, John likes to say, “I vibe the dog”.

John is respected and accredited by some of the most prominent organizations in the animal training community including:
- SFSPCA Academy for Dog Trainers – COC Program with Jean Donaldson
- L.A. City Animals – Volunteer
- Delta Society – Evaluator
- FEMA-OES – Trained with Search & Rescue Dog Task Force

He has trained animals for clients such as:
- “Providence”
- Kodak
- Purina
- AT & T
- Dodge Neon
- “Animal Planet”
- E-Trade
- CBS- “Dog Days”
- Chrysler
- Petopia
- Fox Family

Mostly if you want to see why so may people train with John, simply look at the reaction your dog has when he meets him, and feel the comfort and ease that it gives you.

John's website is www.K9guru.com

Blog posts by K9guru

Dog/People Training Ha Noi, North Vietnam, Entry: July 1, 2007, Malibu, California

Yes, I am back in L.A., but just for a short time. I am looking forward very much to my new Mission. So, I just read Nicole's Blog and wanted to share one of my loose dog stories because it happens all too often and it is one of my "pet peeves". Keep in mind I have MANY loose dog stories, this is just one.

So, I was driving westbound on San Vicente Blvd in Brentwood. The Brentwood country club is on my left, very nice homes on my right, and I am getting close to the 26th Street intersection when I see up ahead of me a little Schipperke darting back and forth through traffic while sporting a very nice royal blue full-leg cast on his front right leg......... YAP ............ OK, bear with me here.


Dog/People Training in Vietnam: Entry - June 19th, 2007 Taipei International Airport


In case some of you did not get to the last of my 4th entry here it is: Mr. Ha the director of the training facility (my new second home) has had a major change of mind in the methods of training of the dogs and his trainers under his care.

He had his trainers write him letters saying that they would never hit the dogs!!!! If they did they would be fined X amount of Dong ($$$), do it again and the fine doubles, do it a 3rd time and U B history. Out of the program!!! Finished!!

Mr. Ha and I plan on introducing animal cruelty laws to the government of Vietnam in the future. This all takes time and will require the same strategy I use with my clients, baby steps.


Dog/People Training in Vietnam: Entry- June 5th 2007 Hanoi

Friday night here in Hanoi. Everybody is out & about doing what people all around our planet do on a Friday night, be with loved ones. Here the young just do it Vietnamese-style. They cruise around on Scooters cuddling each other as they weave through some of the most insane traffic I have ever seen. I have learned to cross the street fairly well now. Proven by the fact that I am sitting here writing to you still intact and upright......


3rd Entry- May 24th '07 Hanoi, North Vietnam

Challenges I face in Hanoi: Many people have asked me about the challenges I face here training dogs. The challenge is not so much the dogs as it is the people.

I am in North Vietnam folks. These people in my most honest opinion are so awesome. I love the culture here. It is not for some, and yes, some do eat dogs as a specialty. Enough on that. The people I have a love affair with, I cannot believe our government had to try to bully these loving people. Look what happened to us. They kicked our butts all around the jungle and rivers.

They had their own dogs of war.That will be a separate entry.


Dog Training in Vietnam: Part Deux

Yesterday was another EPIC day for all my students and me. The subject matter was "Socialization". Well, they did not understand what and why initially but thanks to a top notch translator my job has been rather smooth in getting them to see and understand things in a new way.  


Dog Training in Vietnam: Entry- May 22nd 2007, Hanoi, North Vietnam

For those of you who do not know me, I am a dog trainer based in Los Angeles California and I have been living on a island Koh Phangan in the Southern Gulf of Thailand part-time since 1990.

Over the years I have been exploring around Asia. I found myself in Hanoi for what I thought was just a fluke, a vacation. But now I do believe in Destiny.

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