Deborah Flick


A life-long dog-lover, Deborah was mostly asleep-at-the-leash with her dogs until Sadie, her fearful, reactive 4-year old standard poodle, came along in the fall of 2006 with a wake-up call: You cannot sleepwalk through life with a fearful dog! (Well, you can if you want to risk turning your life and your dog’s life into nightmare!)

Deborah wasn’t willing to take that risk. Within days of Sadie coming home, and under the weekly guidance of a positive trainer, Sadie and Deborah began attending puppy kindergarten classes and going on socialization expeditions. Still today, four years later, Sadie and Deborah are committed life-long learners because: “When you love a fearful dog, there’s always something!”

Since Sadie entered her life, Deborah’s interest in all things dog has evolved from a “need-to-know” basis into a serious passion. In April, 2009 she inaugurated the Boulder Dog Blog on which she writes about her experiences with Sadie and how she challenges Deborah to see the world through a dog’s eye.

 Deborah also enjoys delving into the many controversies swirling through the contemporary world of dogs and dog training. In particular, she’s interested in how our use of language and narrative shapes the way we see our dogs, and consequently, how we treat them.

 When not spending time hiking with Sadie, training Sadie, socializing Sadie, preparing meals for Sadie, chauffeuring Sadie to play dates, and being otherwise engaged with Sadie, or writing blog posts, Deborah is a communication and dialogue consultant, author, and owner of Collaborative Solutions Group. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

 Deborah lives in Boulder, Colorado with Sadie and her husband, Ira.

Blog posts by Deborah Flick

Two Tantalizing Tingles I Took Home from APDT* 2010

I want more! That’s how I felt at the close of the best APDT (Awesome Phenomenal Dog Training) Conference ever. Most multi-day confabs leave me feeling satiated. But APDT was different. It whetted my appetite for more, which explains why I’m nearly two weeks late in sharing some highlights with you.

Suzanne Clothier is doing a three-day workshop on fearful and reactive dogs next week-end. (October 30) I’ll pick you up at the Albany airport and we can go together,” Debbie Jacobs ( suggested to me on Monday, the day after the conference. I had returned home from Atlanta in the wee hours of that Monday morning. That’s nuts! I thought. So soon. So expensive. So fast.

dog at playground, dog and frog, dog playing

Four Ways to Improve Your Canine ‘Greeting Intelligence’

Hello everyone! Greetings are on my mind. This is my first post for Dog Star Daily. I’m so delighted Kelly asked me to join the Dog Star team, and I’m humbled to be in the company of so many stellar dog bloggers.

Some days are bad hair days; yesterday was graceless greeting day. Sadie and I were out and about running errands, and in the late afternoon she accompanied me to a meeting where dogs were welcomed. Twice Sadie, my shy four-year-old Standard Poodle, was taken aback by dogs behaving like, well, dogs. But it’s the clueless humans with whom I have the bone to pick. 

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