I Need a Trainer!

"If my clients could only see me now!", I thought to myself as I laid in bed this morning. Myrtle my 27 pound cattle dog was standing on me, and my border terrier Edgar had just clawed me in the lip as he jumped over my head trying to evade Myrtle's athletic play maneuvers. I must say, though, that dogs jumping on me and blood oozing from my lip do get me out of bed much better than an alarm clock ever has! The thing is, I don't necessarily want to train my dogs first thing in the morning.... or when I get home from work. I love what I do, but when I'm at home I just want to hang out with my dogs and relax. Of course, rude awakenings aren't relaxing, so I guess we're back to that whole training thing again. Anyone know a trainer that will spend the night with me and teach my dogs some better early morning manners? Oh, well, at least I don't blame the dogs... I understand it is my responsibility to either train different behaviors or accept what I have. And one little scratched lip just isn't enough motivation for me to institute an early morning training plan! Oh, I could easily come up with a bunch of great training scenarios to address this problem, but the truth is I'm not going to follow through so why bother?! I know, I know, I'm sounding just as bad as a "typical client".... but you know what, I can relate to them really well because I really am just a typical dog owner in many ways... just one with a lot of knowledge about training and behavior... knowledge that I'm pretty good at sharing with others in ways that are usable for them but not very good at using myself. Heck, I have to sign my dogs up for other trainers' group classes so that my dogs can at least get a little training! Ever hear the story about the cobbler's kids? Lets just say my dogs don't have any shoes! But lest I leave you with the wrong impression, I will say that I regularly get complimented in public about how well behaved my dogs are...

The Dunbar Academy Top Dog Academy – 4 books, 13 videos, 9 seminars and workshops