Rachel Friedman


Rachel Friedman has worked with both people and animals since very early childhood. A childhood rich in dog, horse and small critter experiences, Rachel carved an interesting and somewhat meandering but nevertheless meaningful route towards her career in the world of dogs. She has a B.A. in Social Sciences from The University of Michigan, a Master's Degree in Social Work from The University of Pennsylvania, and remains an independently licensed social worker (LISW) in the great State of Ohio. 

Combining her passion for and long experience in working with animals with her extensive social work training and work experience, Rachel became a full time dog trainer in 1999 and founded her company, A Better Pet LLC. Her background makes her uniquely qualified to help clients learn how best to teach their dogs, and thus how best to create a harmonious household. She also consults with social service organizations interested in incorporating animals into their programming and provides that overlapping in the Venn Diagram between Dog Training/Behavior and Social Services.

Her passion and commitment to providing the best training possible -- for all dogs -- resulted in the invention and patented Har-Vest, the first and only combined no pull harness and vest/backpack on the market today. Har-Vest helps bring out the best qualities in dogs -- calms overbearing dogs, instills confidence in overwhelmed dogs -- a 3-in-1 Backpack for Dogs (and there's a version for cats coming soon!).

Rachel currently lives in Cleveland Heights, Ohio with her three teenage daughters and an eclectic menagerie of pets and usually a service dog project underfoot. Hard at work on finishing her multi media opus, The Six Pillars of Dog Training Wisdom, Rachel is quite accessible and can best be reached by email: [email protected].

Blog posts by Rachel Friedman

Mack enjoys an All American Pastime. Bully sticks and baseball!

Har-Vest as a Training Aid: Recipe for Success

Take one unruly, strong willed English Bulldog, fit him with a Har-Vest, sprinkle in some small but savory treats, guide with clicker training and a dash or two of The Six Pillars of Dog Training Wisdom and *poof*, within a few hours we have a focused, eager to please, easy to train and cooperative (not to mentioned adorable) English Bulldog, despite efforts of his “brother” to distract him! (see video)



Service Dog Training - Public Access Outing

Dogs with jobs, like people, require a strong core of foundation skills and opportunity to practice in order to be functional in their job. If the intention is to incorporate a dog into service, working for  you in a variety of public settings, taking the dog in public is fundamental to service dog training.

Karlo & Taj dance

Dancing with the Stars Rhodesian Ridgeback Style

Socialization for your pup or dog is key to raising a healthy, stable animal. Socialization is exposure to SIGHTS, SOUNDS, SCENTS AND SURFACES paired with positive experience. Socialization is to people of all ages, other dogs (both on and the especially raucous off leash type of socializing), other animals and different places at different times of the day and throughout the year.

Bruin's Poem - A Board and Train Journey

Bruin is winding down his first (and possibly only) Three Day Board and Train. With respect to developing better leash manners, off leash (supervised) reliability out in the planet and within the home, better manners with his own kind and people, hats off to Bean. My 9 1/2 year old English Springer Spaniel is an extraordinary teacher. While I sometimes consider his punishment  dose a bit more emphatic than necessary, I concede that he is usually right.

Bruin power naps between lessons.

Bruin's Poem - A Board and Train Journey

Bruin is winding down his first (and possibly only) Three Day Board and Train. With respect to developing better leash manners, off leash (supervised) reliability out in the planet and within the home, better manners with his own kind and people, hats off to Bean. My 9 1/2 year old English Springer Spaniel is an extraordinary teacher. While I sometimes I consider his punishment  dose a bit more emphatic than necessary, I concede that he is usually right.

Zooka sporty in red Har-Vest

Grow With Me Har-Vest Video Testimonial

For more information on Grow With Me Har-Vest Program, please click HERE.

To see a video demonstration of a recent Grow With Me Har-Vest pup, Go HERE.

Har-Vest Yields 12/12/12

Har-Vest: 3-in-1 Backpack for Dogs was born out of inspiration and need and gave birth to my inventive entrepreneurial spirit within the dog world. It was simple. Merge a no-pull harness with a functional, durable and attractive vest/backpack. Minimize the amount of equipment a developing puppy would need to endure and yet enhance training, socialization and control using positive methods. Beyond original conception, Har-Vest also had the added benefit of calming the unruly dog and increasing confidence in the overwhelmed dog. And suddenly, here we are, hundreds if not thousands of dogs later on 12/12/12. And I realize it was 12 years ago this month that the inspiration began. And, to honor the beloved 12 days of Christmas, not to mention we're in the middling stage of Chanukah, with numerology and light all around, I thought it a great day to highlight some of Har-Vest's benefits and features.


Polish Tatra Rescue Saga

 rescue |ˈreskyoō| verb ( -cues , -cued, -cuing ) [ trans. ] save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation

Hazel lips her lick, a common expression of dogs getting their photo taken

Understanding Calming Signals in Dogs

Calming Signals is a term coined by Turid Rugaas, a Norwegian ethologist and dog enthusiast. Her obvious love and long term devotion to observing dogs with their own kind has led to her ground breaking work in articulating these signals into written language (Norwegian, English and no doubt dozens of other written languages -- ironically, dogs speak the same language regardless of country of origin or the spoken language of their people).

Stoli laugh

Mental Health and Illness in Dogs: part II - PTSD Revisited

Three weeks ago I wrote about the interesting case of Stoli the Rottie rescue who I diagnosed with a case of PTSD. You can read about her background and earlier experience HERE or HERE. Now, as promised, an update. Stoli came for a second DIP session on August 9, directly after which her owner and family went on a week long vacation. The original plan had been to kennel her, which was a concern. But in the end, and quite happily, Stoli remained in the home and a family friend (who had attended the 2nd DIP session and displayed a great intrigue with the world of dog training and behavior) took care of her in their absence.



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