Teach Tug to Resolve Reactivity - Part 1

FOR A LIMITED TIME Watch the all-new Dunbar Academy Dog-Dog Reactivity webinar for FREE, where Dr. Ian Dunbar explains how to resolve dog-dog reactivity and why teaching your dog to play Tug is one of the most effective things you can do.

In this video, Kelly works with novice dogs and demonstrates how you can begin teaching tug to a dog. She works with three dogs, starting with a little one-year-old Corgi, then a Poodle puppy and finally Missy, our resident little old lady.

  • The Corgi has never played tug before, but she has played ball, so it's easy to get her started using a ball on a rope.
  • Next up is the Poodle, who is also completely new to the game of Tug. She is also very interested in playing, but with a fabric tug toy instead.
  • Last up is Missy, our geriatric demo dog. Missy's a little older, completely deaf and totally indifferent to all of Kelly's attempts to lure her into playing Tug. But Missy is food-motivated. Very food motivated. So Kelly finds a way to harness that motivation in a way that can be safely directed towards playing Tug.

Watch the video to learn more:


In the next two videos in this three-part series, we'll show you how to teach your dog the RULES of Tug, and how a dog's tug motivation for highly motivated and reliable obedience training.

If you want to learn more techniques for teaching your dog to love playing tug, or if you want to learn more about using your dog's newfound love of Tug to prevent or resolve dog-dog reactivity problems, check out our all-new Dog-Dog Reactivity Webinar, available on Dunbar Academy, for free, for a LIMITED TIME.

Are you a dog trainer? Sign up for the Professional Dog Trainer Program – Free on Dunbar Academy